(Bad Art Created With Cheap Office Supplies!)

Bad Art Created With Cheap Office Supplies!

Thursday, September 20, 2012




Another drawing that was roughed out in pencil while I was at the Emmys. 

This is the smaller Moleskine book (the one that slips neatly into my jacket), so the dimensions seem a little different. Probably the kind of thing that only I would notice. 



  1. Hi - Love your work. I just posted about your sketches drawn during the Emmy show on my blog: http://sketchesandjottings.wordpress.com

    Fabulous, thank you. J Walters

    1. Oh! Thank you! I respond here, I think. (Earlier today I got this message in my email and I responded there. As you can tell, I never get any responses here on my blog, so I don't know the mechanics of how it all works).

      In fact, yours is the first response I've gotten here at BACWCOS in the entire year of 2012. You should get a prize or something. Thank you for spreading the word.
