(Bad Art Created With Cheap Office Supplies!)

Bad Art Created With Cheap Office Supplies!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Late In The Season



     Last night I told my daughter that I needed to draw something for today's post. 

     "You should put a hen in it. A white hen."

     And about an hour later she came out to my studio, to make sure I was on task.  And I think she found the drawing to be sufficiently "henned".


Friday, February 15, 2013

Bird Paws



     We have notecards in the supply closet at work. And while they're good for pinning story points up on a bulletin board, what do you do with them once you're done? I mean, yes, you put them into the recycle bin. But other than that? 

     I took two of them and taped them together. Voila! Insta-canvas in blue and…green? I usually go for the browns and yellows  because they look cool and they work well with my style. But on this particular day, I was doodling on card stock fished out of the recycle bin. I probably rushed out the door that morning and left my Moleskine notebook behind, so I was working with whatever was on hand. I've been known to do that, on occasion. 


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Tea Party



    Cursive is not my first language, this is what it says: 

     "Claire knew that her mom would beat the crap out of her for doing her "floating trick" in public. But the girls were being mean to her, and she thought they all needed a good scare."


Monday, February 11, 2013

The Drop Off



This our local elementary school: Monterey Hills. Or, the general idea of it, at least. The actual school doesn't have quite as many giraffes or elephants. But it does have lots of cute kids and doting parents. 

We've been driving up to this school for the last 12 years. But after this year, my youngest will move on to middle school, and that will be the end of our time at MHS. 


Friday, February 8, 2013

Wheels of Steel



The commute home was usually more of a grind than a thrill. 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013




Without mirrors on your bike, you need to keep looking over your shoulder to see what's coming up behind you. Which can give you a sore neck, in addition to what ever bad news is sneaking up on you. 


Monday, February 4, 2013

Gentleman's Farce



"This laughable occasion of a common squid defending his honor. Indeed! As if a squid had any honor to defend."


Friday, February 1, 2013




An offering of tools from the thing that wasn't really there. 
